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American Abstract and Figurative Expressionism: Style is Timely Art is Timeless
Marika Herskovic

Hamptons Bohemia: Two Centuries of Artists and Writers on the Beach
Helen Harrison, Constance Ayers and Edward Albee

Lee Krasner: A Biography
Gail Levin

American Abstract Artists - All Publications

Die Neue Abstraktion (Das Kunstwerk)

Painting Toward Architecture-Henry-Russell Hitchcock 1948

The New Iconograph

Who's Who In American Art

Who's Who in the East

Who's Who in American Women

International Who's Who in Art and Antiques

Contemporary American Painting
University of Illinois 1949

Monograph in Arts and Architecture

Art News Annual 1961, 10th Street

The World of Abstract Art

Paris Review Issue #21 Spring-Summer 1959 IT IS

The Laymen's Guide to Modern Art ; Bartlett Hayes

Women in American Art

Art Today; Ray Faulkner

Prize Winning Paintings; Margaret Harold

Women Artists in the United States: A Selective Bibliography, 1750-1986;
Paula Chiarmonte

Issues in Abstract Expressionism: the Artist-run Periodicals;
Ann Eden Gibson

Abstract Expressionism: Other Politics;
Ann Eden Gibson

Women in the Fine Arts: A Bibliography and Illustrated Guide;
Janet A. Anderson

Woman's Art Journal, Spring-Summer 2003, vol. 24, no. 1

Nature in Abstraction
Baur, John.

Women Artists in America
Collins, J.L.

Nature in Modern Art
Faulkner, Ray.

Towards a Cultural History
of Abstract Expressionism

Gibson, Ann.

Artists of America
Gerdts, William.

Betty Parsons, Artist-Dealer-Collector
Hall, Lee.

The Challenge of Modern Art
Leepa, Allen.

Hilla Rebay, In Search of the Spirit of Art
Lukach, Joan M.

American Art Since 1900
Rose, Barbara.

The Anxious Object
Rosenberg, Harold.

American Women Artists
Rubinstein, Charlotte.

Profiles on Women Artists
Russo, Alexander.

Pioneer in Abstraction: Perle Fine
Schwartz, Therese.

Provincetown Painters
Seckler, Dorothy Gees.

Dictionary of Abstract Art. Piet Mondrian.
Seuphor, Michel.

Abstract Expressionism, A Critical Record
Shapiro, David and Cecile.

Guild Hall: An Adventure in the Arts
Whipple, Enez.

New York School Abstract Expressionists: Artists Choice by Artists: A Complete Documentation of the New York Painting and Sculpture Annuals; 1951-1957
Marika Herskovic (Editor)

American Abstract Expressionism of the 1950s: An Illustrated Survey With Artists' Statements, Artwork, and Biographies
Marika Herskovic (Editor)

Tranquil Power: The Art & Life of Perle Fine

Kathleen Housley

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